2015.04.04 - Central Mountain Blitz
Central Mountain BlitzApril 4, 2015The Hamilton Local Fight Back Committee staged an information blitz on Saturday April 4th , 2015. Judy Maude and her spouse, Ruth Otterman, and Dave Rennie met at the Walmart Plaza on the corner of Upper James and Fennell in Hamilton at 10:00 on Easter Saturday. Approximately 400 of the Local’s information packets were distributed over the next couple of hours. Response was overwhelmingly positive. This plaza was chosen as it is central on the “Mountain”, and the Hamilton Mountain is scheduled to be converted to CMBs in summer of 2015. Thank you to Judy and family, Ruth, and Dave for taking time out of their long weekends to work on the Fight Back Campaign. Thank you also to the volunteers who make up the information packages. We have found that the information packages are an invaluable tool - all CUPW’s Save Door to Door material, including the Local’s Fact vs. Fiction booklet in one packet that is easily distributed is helpful to get our message quickly to a large number of recipients. The April 4th blitz did just that - the Save Door to Door information was widely distributed to raise awareness of the issues surrounding the conversion to CMBs. |